събота, 4 декември 2010 г.

Once upon a time…

I was born in ’95 but it was 1980 when that happened. I was waiting next to a tree and there were grey buildings around me. There were many cars like ‘Moskvich’, ‘Lada’ and ‘Trabant’, any western ones. It was autumn. Leaves were already dead. I often looked around because I was waiting for one particular person.
Soon I saw her. She was perfect. Her curly dark hair was waving by the wind, her green eyes were so young, her lips were red, her pale skin was just like mine. She was 16 and she was walking down the street. While she was passing by me I said:
-                    You really were beautiful.
She stopped and looked at me. She was confused.
-                    What? – she asked.
-                    You really were beautiful. – I repeated. She knitted her brows.
-                    Were?!
I smiled. She asked:
-                    Excuse me, have I ever met you?
-                    Not yet, - I replied, - But one day you will meet me. Don’t worry, you won’t remember me. It will be after 15 years and I will look different.
-                    I will try not to forget. – she said with a smile.
-                    You will. I’m not real yet.
She looked at me confused again and walked away.
I was born in ’95 and it was 1980. She was 16 and she really was beautiful as young. Actually she still is. Oh,  you would ask who she was. Don’t worry, I won’t forget to answer. It was 1980 and she was my beautiful young mom.

петък, 3 декември 2010 г.

Ода за Точката

Знак заоблен си ти,
запълнен в средата с мастило.
От пунктоацията частица си
и подпомагаш ни да прекъсваме речта си смело.

Обичаме да изписваме твоята цялост,
да те повтаряме много и често,
но ти не се сърдиш на нашата вялост,
защото знаеш, че сърцата ни владееш като цяло.

О, Точке!!!
Ти вярваш в нас
и ни даваш сили да продължим да говорим.
Ти не си пас
дори когато стените зяпам аз.

О, Точке!!!
Ти си тъй прекрасна - малка, кръгла, красива...
Имаш таланта да бъдеш във всичко.
Ти си невероятна, вълшебна
и заради тебе живея хармонично!

О, Точке!!!
Благодаря ти за това, че си тук!
Благодаря за твоята скромност!
И искам да ти кажа сега напук,
че ти си вечна и в теб няма никаква подлост!

Бележка: Тази ода е само на шега. Моля да не се приема насериозно.